When Jay's mom (Nanie) was in town for Peach's birth, she took The Frog to the Dinosaur Museum and Thanksgiving point. He absolutely loved it and talked about it every day and said he wanted to go again, so we decided to take him again as part of his birthday present. Here he is patiently waiting for us to get everything together to leave... in Peach's bouncer.

Peach was ever patient and looked like this for the first half of our visit.

The Frog wasn't so sure he wanted to go in there and finally opted out.

I'm pretty sure all The Frog was thinking here was "Hold those?"

Of course The Frog loved digging around for dinosaurs in the sand, though once he found a few, he mostly just played with them, sans sand.

Peach conveniently woke up right when we got to the sand and water area, so I got to nurse her comfortably on a bench while The Frog played. This is what she looked like for the rest of our visit.

This picture is so funny because I wanted to get a shot of The Frog looking at one of the skeletons, but I was too late. I had Jay pick him up to take him back so I could get the picture and it looks like he's pointing right at the dinosaur, but he's really crying and saying "Go over there!!" pointing to the next area.

We got to see these fish being fed goldfish.

The Frog loves to watch Finding Nemo and as a result, he loves sharks!

It may look like The Frog uncovered a major discovery, but actually, he spent most of his time walking around, a brush in each hand, looking at what other kids had uncovered. :)

And another shot of Peach, because she's so cute.