One of my best friends, Lindsay, got married last Saturday. (Congrats Linds!) She opted for the "destination wedding", and so we got to take a road-trip to the remote location of Yachats, OR on the coast. (between Newport and Florence, for those of you who may be familiar with the area)

The Frog was pretty happy in the beginning, but it didn't take long for him to get restless. I had to get creative to help keep the sun out of his eyes so he could sleep.

Who knew nursing shields were so versatile? I also noticed that in this "new" carseat, the Frog's head tends to flop over in an uncomfortable (looking) way and so I used what I had to fashion a make-shift pillow.

Turns out, I forgot to bring any diapers (other than what was already in my diaper bag) so we had to make a trip to pick some up, and a number of other things I forgot. I walked around by myself at Walmart, and when I finally met back up with my boys, this is how I found The Frog.

We pulled off to get gas at a place advertised from the Highway, and when we got there, we found the most ghetto gas station I've ever seen.
It was completely abandoned.

(Did gas ever really only cost 16.5 cents per gallon?)
We finally made it to Yachats and there was a really cute little paved path between our Inn and the ocean that we went for a walk on every day.

We were surprised to discover that it was MUCH colder up there than what we've been used to in Utah- highs in mid 60s the whole time, and some days the sun rarely peeked out from behind the clouds. The first night we were pretty cold, until the next day when we discovered where our heater was. Here's Jay enjoying the warmth. :)

Jay had a temperature of 103 degrees the night before we left on our trip, and so (as you can imagine) he was sick the whole trip and he did a lot of extra sleeping and lounging around. (probably more than he could have gotten away with at home.) Notice The Frog taking his nap too :)

We spent one afternoon in Newport, OR- there is much more to do there. After eating lunch at a very interesting "bakery" (that turned out to be an Afro-Cuban cafe with only half the items on the menu being available) we stopped in at the kite shop nearly next-door and found this lovely gem. Wouldn't that be the envy of the park? I think it's amazing that this could actually fly- kind of gives the scene at the end of Peter Pan more credibility ;D

Since there wasn't much to do in Yachats, and Jay wasn't feeling very well, he spent a lot of time on his DS while I read. The Frog is learning how to play Mario :)

Once the sun came out, we finally went to the beach and found this little natural formation ;D

The water was absolutely FRIGID, so I didn't let The Frog get in farther than his knees. My ankles went numb after only a few seconds of submersion, so I wouldn't let The Frog endure much more than that at a time. He didn't seem to particularly like or dislike the experience- I think he was more intrigued.

The Frog's first sandy feet!

Here we're walking on the path only moments away from seeing whales in the ocean! (I forgot to pull out the camera for proof. To busy being in awe :D)

Here we're on our way down the hike from the wedding rehearsal in Heceta Head, near the lighthouse.

I sadly don't have many pictures of the actual wedding as I was participating and Jay had his hands full with The Frog, but here is one. See the
headband? :D

That's about it! It was fun to see a new part of the country, but really, there's just no place like home! (and nothing like home cookin')