This year, I happened to find out a friend in the ward who, in my mind, is the epitome of family funness, miraculously had no Easter plans with extended family. I jumped on that boat and made sure we could tag-along.
So glad I did! (hopefully they are too?)
I know we all had a lot more fun, even if The Frog still didn't take much pride in his egg dying. Once he found out about the egg hunt he dropped everything and wanted to get started right away.
That doesn't mean he didn't have his fair share of the action, as you can see by his dyed fingers below.
The W family is always so sweet to us. Here's their oldest, D, holding little Peach.
They have a little girl, K, about The Frog's age- they are in nursery together at church. Here they are going through their loot!
And here are our youngests. Peach and N spend quite a bit of time poking each others faces until The Frog realized all eyes were on them and decided to break it up with a little Frog-style tackling.
Or maybe his "big brother instincts" just kicked in and he could see N making eyes at Peach. ;) Whatever the case, I think all are now recovered and doing fine. :)
We are so glad you joined us (and we joined you) for Easter. It was so much fun - and thanks to Jay for fixing our computer in the middle of it all! Oh, and I just experienced my first disposable diaper in the washer recently and it was really weird, I agree - lucky most of it was intact and I think it was a clean one - pretty amazing how much water that thing could hold :)!