Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter!

I'm a little embarrassed about the amount of loot our kids got this year for Easter, but I bought a bunch of used Little People sets for cheap on ebay last November and I've been DYING to finally give them the last of them.  Jay's parents generously sent their own little Easter baskets too, so they are now thoroughly entertained.
The Frog's shirt is off.  There is a long story behind it that merits its own post...
Peach got right in there and knew exactly what to do :)
Imagine a "funny" comment about "why did I even bother with the presents when I could have bought her a knotted rope".  I'm too tired to actually make one...
And here's the moment I've you've all been waiting for!  Peach sporting her new Easter rags.  As you can see, I made her a little headband...
and added a matching rose to the front of the dress.  (which she enjoys munching on...)
Oh yes I did.  I made The Frog a matching tie!
I meant to post these next two pictures after I made it, but never got around to it.
This detail is my favorite part :)
And here's The Frog, after church, showing my mom the swimsuit and hat he got from Nanie and Gampie.  He insisted on trying it on over his jeans...

We got to have the W family over for dinner and last second my parents were able to come too.  As you can see, we were having so much fun together, I forgot to get any pictures.  I DID remember to ask for HW's roll recipe, though.  mmmmm

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