Friday, June 24, 2011

Happy Dad Week!

I may be so unlucky to have my anniversary and birthday on the same day, but somehow I think Jay is more of a trooper because he's a boy and the only two "celebrate Jay" days that occur every year usually fall in the same week: Father's Day and his birthday.  Perhaps I should cut him a break and give him the whole week- he certainly deserves it for being the best husband/dad ever.

Here "he" is opening his Father's Day loot:
 Doing one of his favorite activities with one of his favorite girls:

 Here's my "amazing" birthday cake.  If only I had amazing photography skills to make it look better than it did.  At least it tasted amazing!

Happy birthday!  So you're finally 26!  May your year be more interesting than your age.  (but not toooo interesting.)

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