Saturday, June 18, 2011

Jay was out of town for 12 days and this is what he missed:

My new haircut!

 The cutest little chef ever:
 Not the most cautious though...
 Me making a quilt for Peach's "big girl bed".  Finished photos to come...
 Me making a delicious triple chocolate mousse cake for my book club meeting at our house.
 Peach trying out her new swimsuit from Nanny in our luxurious pool...

Joint bath time with less mauling than usual:

The coolest train track set-up ever:

Thanksgiving Point "Farm":

(first pony ride)
Streaking practice:


  1. did the Frog set up that train track himself? Even if he didn't, that is pretty awesome. I would have loved that as a kid (or now, too...)!

  2. he started it on the fireplace, I finished it with pizazz :)

  3. ooo..that cake looks so good. I love your hair!
