Sunday, June 5, 2011

Belated Mother's Day

For Mother's Day this year, Jay got me a "mom book".  It's basically a journal where my kids can write whatever they want to me at every mom-appreciation day (Mother's Day, Birthday, Christmas...)  I'm very excited about this new tradition.

I also decided that I want to take a picture of me with each of my children on Mother's Day because I'm almost always behind the camera and so I don't have very many pics of me with them.  Unfortunately, I forgot that I wanted to do this until after my Mother's Day nap, so we postponed it until another Sunday.  It took quite a few tries to get a good one with The Frog...  

Here are a my favorites:

I just love those beautiful blue eyes and squishy cheeks!

 When I was painting my toenails one day, The Frog wanted his done too.  He calls them "monster toes".

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