Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy Easter!

Iris had never dyed (or ever heard of dying) Easter eggs before, so it was extra fun to share our American Easter traditions with her.  (It was also extra fun for me because I wasn't the only one who actually wanted to try doing something creative with the eggs.  Jay never wants to help...)
 You can see some eggshells sprinkled around.  That's because we were all so enthralled with the egg dying (and making sure The Frog didn't splash the dye everywhere, again, by dropping the eggs in from amazing heights) we didn't notice Peach innocently burrowing her finger into the center one of the eggs...  We just ate that one, which is why there are only 17 in this picture.
 The Frog was determined to keep up his perfect record and wanted to "win" and find all the eggs.  Iris was was and put the ones she found in his bucket.  (we purposely put a few too high for The Frog so Iris could find some too).  Meanwhile, Peach was too busy looking for "teats" in her loot.
 Everyone got mini squirt guns filled with water and so a water fight promptly broke out in the living room.  Nothing like some good, wholesome, family fighting to remind everyone about the true the meaning of Easter...
 And of course, the children devouring their pre-breakfast chocolate.
 Nanie (Jay's mom) always sends the kids something awesome, and amidst their loot, she gave the kids sunglasses, which they love.  We gave Iris some fake glasses so we made them all pose with their new shades.
We had my parents over for dinner, but I failed to get even ONE photo.  I guess that's how you know we had a good time :)

Happy Easter!

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