Saturday, April 7, 2012

More Whirl

I guess I overestimated my slugginess because I didn't think I had any more pictures on my camera besides Easter on, but I was wrong.  So here's a couple more weeks of update:
Peach loves taking things out of the cupboards while I cook, and trying to sit in/on them.  (sometimes she'll turn them upside-down and try to jump off them)  I guess these mini cake pans were too small for sitting inside.  The Frog must have thought it looked super fun...
 Peach has recently become obsessed with "unnies!!" and since The Frog's are easier to reach than her own, she often wears his.  This particular day, she insisted on wearing 3 pairs over her pants, but usually they end up on top of her diaper, under the pants.  I have let her wear her own undies a few times, trying to see if the potty thing would catch on, but she still doesn't get it.  She often asks to sit on the potty, and I let her, but has yet to produce.  I'm going to wait until after our summer travels and then potty-train the two in one swoop.  (at least that's the plan.  The Frog can definitely do it, he just has no motivation to, and I think not wanting to be shown up by little sis might do the trick.)
 Weather is warming up and the kids are asking to spend more time outdoors.  It's fantastic!  I can even let them play out there for 30 minutes at a time without close supervision or crying :)
 I always get excited when our first flowers come up, and I wanted to bring some daffodils inside, until I noticed that some of them have little tiny wormy things in them.  Never mind, these just livened up our patio table instead :)
 Peach has finally figured out to go down the slide all by herself.  Going to the park is actually fun again!  (for me and both kids....)

 The Frog was invited to his first birthday party ever, and he talked about it for a whole week- especially because he won the Easter egg hunt.  I guess whoever found the most won something, and that's made him feel awesome all week.  (also very competitive...)
 Some of the plastic eggs he found had little stamps in them and Peach got one while I wasn't looking...
 Started a few plants indoors.  My red bell pepper never came up though... :(
 And as per tradition, our Easter wheat grass.
Oh yeah, despite wearing shorts for several days, we got a sudden snow storm?  The Frog wanted to make a snow bunny, but while I was inside getting to carrot ears, I looked out at him and he was punching the head off.  Here if you look closely, you can see the decapitated snow ball.  (and The Frog running away from the picture)

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