Thursday, April 12, 2012

Iris Springbreak: Days 4 & 5

On Thursday and Friday, Peach and I were clearly sick, and I asked to stay home and rejuvenate.  While Jay and Iris were up at the planetarium in Salt Lake all afternoon, The Frog was busy creating a masterpiece.
 An indoor playground.
Here's The Frog posing with his final work.  (He wanted to pose behind it...)  My favorite bits are the screwdriver hanging from the stepstool hole and the hidden sippy-cup balancing on the chair leg.  I feel like this might make a good "I Spy" photo for Marzollo and Wick's next book.
This is what Peach thought of it...

Friday, Jay, Iris and The Frog all went to the aquarium together while Peach and I had a mommy-daughter sicky day.  It was actually quite relaxing.

Not really spring break related but...  That night, Jay and I had tickets to see Ballet West, and so I went armed with one pocket full of wadded tissues and the other, a handful of cough drops.  (I ate every one too...)  Despite my drippiness, it was fabulous!  Best Christmas present ever :)

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