Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Iris's Spring Break: Day 3

I had originally planned on the family going on a "real" hike, but Jay realized he had a lot of work to do and he probably shouldn't take the day off and I started feeling like I was coming down with something, so I instead decided to drive up to Bridal Veil Falls and we'd make the short hike, on paved path, from the parking lot to the falls and call it good.  
The kids are wearing their Easter backpacks.  Both are carrying some apple slices and water.  I just want to SQUEEZE them both.
 After a 2 minute walk, there was a bridge over the river and the kids thought this was so awesome that I almost felt like we could just go home after that.  Peach kept saying "woooow! woooow!"  It was so funny.
It kills me when I see pictures of other people's kids all nicely posed, sitting next to each other.  That just never happens with my kids.  This is the best I could get.  Running.  I celebrate when I can see both their faces...
 Despite the short walk, I wish I had brought the stroller.  I ended up having to carry the kids some of the way.  I had packed a cute lunch and we brought a ball and bubbles and planned to spend some time up there, but it ended up being much cooler up there than it was down where we live and after being at the falls about 3 minutes, The Frog said he was cold and wanted to go home.
So we did.

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