Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Iris's Spring Break: Day 2

Iris and I painted nails in the morning and The Frog decided he wanted to help us paint our toes while I did Iris's fingers.  For my feet, he chose clear and a very pastel peachy color.  For Iris he chose something a bit more bold...
 And thought he had no reason to limit himself to only the toenails...  (it took me like 30 minutes to get it all off for her, while her hands dried and some of the red on the feet just wouldn't budge.)
 Jay came home early from work to get his blood drawn and we all went bowling before dinner.  (Though he didn't want to bowl.  He basically played babysitter once the kids got restless.)  We've never taken the kids before!  I think The Frog looks so cute in this shot.  His feet perfectly fit into the smallest bowling shoe size!
 Peach acting like a teenager on her cute daddy's lap.
 I think Iris and I were the only ones who took it seriously.
 She ended up winning. I thought about posting the score-card picture, but decided my pride couldn't handle it.  To give you a sense, my first set was a strike, and my second was 00.  Yeah.  I lost.  Even to the kids.
 The Frog didn't always use this ramp thingy, but he always went too fast for me to get a picture of him dropping the ball.  I supposed I had ample time to get a shot of his ball creeping down the alley though...  We opted not to play with bumpers.  'Cause we're serious like that.
 By the end, the kids were running around in the arcade equipment and Iris and I took turns bowling for the kids.  Of course we always did a great job on their turn, and a lousy one on our own.  I ended up giving the kids a spare on the last set.  I think that's the only spare I bowled the whole game.
It will be fun to come back when Peach is a bit older, but it was fun nonetheless!

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