Since we have 3 birthdays so close together, I'm trying to find ways to minimize the amount of cake our small family has to consume. This year, I thought I'd make myself a mini cake and freeze the rest of the batter, but then when I baked it, (I admit, I used a box...) I was able to fit all the batter into 2 6-inch rounds, no problem. So, instead I got a tall skinny cake :) Oh well.
and don't count the candles. I think the number is meaningless. It's hard getting the kids to cooperate to rules. :)I've never seen Peach do this before:
She must have liked it!
Also, this was a special anniversary year, since we had our 5th anniversary on the 5th of September AND it even occurred on the same day of the week as our actual marriage! I think that's pretty cool. :) (I need to remember to get a picture of US on our anniversary. doh!)
I thought I was being amazing and generous by giving up some space in MY craft room so Jay could move his weight bench inside from the garage. But, as usual, I was outdone in thoughtfulness and generosity.
He happened to remember one time, long ago, when I mentioned that I would eventually like to get a pearl necklace like the one I borrowed for our wedding.
Apparently, that is very hard to find, especially like these because they are so old and now, the sign of exquisite in pearls is a single strand, of large, uniform ones. That is so funny to me because one of the things I loved most about this necklace was the texture and variety. It makes them feel more "real" and naturally occurring.
Jay says he went to every jeweler in the area (which is hard to pull off, since we only have 1 car, and I usually have it) during the last few months and finally found something even remotely similar:
It's so fun (and scary) having a real necklace. He spoils me :)
I would like to mention that it was wrapped. I think I gave Jay a really hard time about never wrapping gifts for me- they're usually still in the plastic sack. For me, being cutely wrapped up is a big part of the fun! So he dug around in my wrapping stuff and put them in a bag, but he couldn't find where I put the tissue paper (and now that he mentions it, a drawer under my sewing table isn't exactly the most obvious place...) so he used regular tissues instead. Love that man!
I felt like such a spectacle opening pearls over dinner. (though I'm sure nobody was watching) We decided to go get Japanese- we haven't had it much since Iris left. I felt lots of stares being pregnant in a place that serves a lot of sushi, which preggos can't have... The food was delish though! We went to Shoga.
I can't believe all that's happened over the past 5 years (especially the 2 7/9 kids. seriously?) but I can't imagine it all playing out without Jay and his support. I can't wait to see what the next 5 brings!
Congratulations to you and Jay! And I love the necklace: it's beautiful!