Wednesday, September 5, 2012

The Frog's First Day of Preschool!

I can't believe it, but The Frog is actually in school- Preschool!  I wanted him to pose for me, but he just wanted to get in the car and go.
He picked out his outfit and even packed himself a "lunch" (fruit snacks, cheetos and wheat thins in a ziplock baggie) in his backpack (that never got eaten because they don't eat lunch there, but he was sure he'd need it!)
I knew he couldn't frown forever.  I told Peach to try and make him laugh.

I admit, I was a bit sad that he didn't even say bye when I left.  Peach was really sad in the car when we drove away.  "Where'd The Frog go, mom?"

1 comment:

  1. Wow, Jack - what a big kid you are!!! That is so fun. I'm sorry to hear about your sweet grandmother, Libby. She sounds like a wonderful woman who will be missed!
