Friday, December 1, 2023

Merry Christmas 2023

The McCarthy's have moved across the country!  Welcome to our new home, back in Provo, Utah- would you like to take a tour?

As you enter, Jay might be reading to the children or himself.  Why not sit and listen to the piano for awhile?  Or better yet, get up and dance with Rose and Newt?! Grandma loves to spend time there each day when the three oldest aren't vying for practice time and even Jay is taking piano lessons this year!

Continue through to the dining room where you might find Toad drawing intricate scenes of monsters in caves, or Rose and Newt smooshing paint across the page.  On weekends, you might find The Frog acting as Dungeon Master for his local Dungeons and Dragons group.

In the kitchen you might find Rose helping Jay to a backdrop of Mozart operas.  Lately, Jay is most often found shredding steaming, smoked meat, or winging a new delicious way of using up the neighbors' fruit trees' bounty.  Or perhaps you might find Hazel baking bread while listening to an audiobook.  

Continue down the hall to the homeschool room, ever full of busy children filling their heads with knowledge, or children trying to look busy.  Even little Rose has the bug and likes to get out her bin of preschool things to do.  Other than the usual "three Rs", a little science, and history, The Frog is also trying his hand at debate this year and learning a lot at his monthly competitions.  Toad spends much time rummaging through the learning bins- making mosaic aliens or tinkering with his snap circuits, when he's done with his "regular school" with Jay.  Peach is often found reclined on the sofa, singing along with Taylor Swift while working on her algebra.

Out back, you might find the family eating on the picnic tables (we now fill two of them) or maybe Toad and Rose making a potion or mud pie in their bush hide-out and Newt toddling along behind them.  Lately, Newt loves requesting to ride his "bite" (bike) down the block with Libby- being inspired by his older siblings who are enjoying their newfound freedom being able to bike to friends' houses, seminary, and the local soda shop for a treat.  They also love going to the new park nearby, all by themselves.  Is that The Frog running back from cross-country practice?

If we peek in the garage, we might find Libby looking for tools to fix (another) discovered loose end in the house or (still) trying to finish cutting the baseboards to install inside, hoping that soon, room can be made for the cars.  Jay might also be lifting weights after running or rucking in the neighborhood.

If we come back to the front door, turn around to admire the view of the mountains we have enjoyed hiking thus far.  The Frog hopes to learn to ski this winter- armed with a season ski pass and an enthusiastic father.  As we step back inside, we might see Libby walking Grandma out to the car to go to the Senior Center down the road.  Grandma loves spending many days there, keeping busy and socializing with those lovely women there.

Upstairs, we have the master bedroom with...  Oh- avert your eyes! Looks like Hazel is enjoying a luxurious bath, meanwhile Newt is unraveling the toilet paper and telling me that he can "puss" on the flusher.  Oh look, Libby seems to have fallen asleep, midday, again.  Growing a baby girl is tiring work!  There appears to be plenty of room for the crib that will move in at the end of March.

Next door is the laundry room where you might find Libby collecting cleaning supplies for the latest spill and perhaps Grandma is folding the towels.  

Further down the hall, you'll probably see Peach playing with eyeshadow or Hazel doctoring her newly pierced ears in the bathroom.  

In the kids' room across the hall, Peach and Hazel are often discovered reading in their beds amidst piles of Squishmallows.  Shhh, Newt might be napping at the end of the hall so let's sneak back downstairs.

All the way to the basement we go... 

In the "theater room" you might find The Frog having a Smash tournament with his friends or siblings or the family may be gathered for family movie night.  In the wee hours, you might find Jay on the rowing machine and sometimes, even Libby could be cycling next to him as well.

Across the hall, Jay might be in his office in a virtual meeting or programming and listening to podcasts.

Next is Libby's craft room/office that lately has been used as a guest room for visitors, more than anything else.  Hopefully, you will come stay with us soon as well!

Down the hall, you'll probably see Libby reading books to Rose on the potty so she can get right back to playing in her little house under the stairs.  Rose enjoys bringing out trays of hamburgers or pancakes (with a side of Lego milk) on elaborately draped trays.  Having a pink tablecloth definitely makes all pretend food taste better. ;)

Finally, we end our tour in the playroom where each child has their own space for Legos.  You might also find Peach playing board games with friends at the game table.  Toad might be building an elaborate car path with his magnetic blocks and The Frog could be helping Newt with some trains.

Well, we hope you enjoyed this virtual tour!  Please come visit in person sometime very soon!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!


            Jay (38), Libby (40!), The Frog (15), Peach (13), Hazel (11), Toad (7), Rose (3.5), Newt (19 mo.), & Daisy (-3 mo.)


  1. What a wonderful (and exhausting!) tour of your day/home/life!!! So glad we got to stop by for a minute! Hope to see you out here soon!!! ❤️Claire
