Sunday, January 21, 2024

Newt's First Words

 It's been years since I've written here regularly, but my older kids love love hearing about the funny things they did when they were little and I'm feeling guilty that not Hazel and Toad won't get much of that because of the hiatus.  #middlechildren  I'm going to try to repent.

The other day, while talking to Jay on the phone, I heard little Rose talking in the background and was struck by how cute and toddlery she sounds when she speaks.  In my mind, she speaks perfect English, but really, no.  She can't say her Rs etc and it's pretty stinkin' cute still.  

Newt is just barely starting to sometimes attempt multi-syllable words and I thought I should remember this moment before it's gone.  So here are the most heard vocabulary words from the almost 2 year old:

mama or mom = me

dada = Jay

daddy = Hazel.  If you knew her real name, it kind of makes sense.  It's really funny to me that he calls her that

sha = Peach (again, works with her real name)

na = Rose

dat = the Frog (doesn't sound that much like his real name 😆)

day = Toad

mo = more and milk

wah-thisss = watch this - what he says before he's going to show up and will keep repeating until he gets your eye contact

peeees = please

cheeeeese = cheese and he always says it if he suspects you might be taking a photo fo him (but only long enough to say it and then he immediately comes close to see the photo)

hi = hi and he's super friendly and says it whenever I get home or to strangers in the cutest, friendliest way ever.

bye bye = bye bye and usually comes with a wave

no = arguably his favorite word and is usually his answer to any question

bah = ball (he loves them)

foh = throw (one of his favorite things to do.  It gets annoying at meal time)

bafff = bath (always says this word with a lot of enthusiasm, in kind of an excited whisper)

'mon = come on

pie = potty.  He loves helping everyone flush

bay = berry, belly, or bunny.  Context is important here.

ashee = Peach's squishmallow "Ashley" or it can also mean "actually"

wa wa = water

die = dinosaur or dice, which comes up a surprising amount of time because he loves getting into The Frog's Dungeons and Dragons dice bag and littering the house with them.

nay = snake

woof woof = dog.  Anytime we see a dog he emphatically wants to get close to it but as soon as we are, he regrets the decision.

tootie = cookie (which is what he calls all treats)

fie = fly- he loves watching his siblings fly drones and really really wished he knew how to do it.

wone = drone

push = push.  One of his few correct words.  He loves pushing in his chest buckle in his car seat and pushing in drawers and chairs

skish = squishmallow (Peach and Hazel have an obsession right now)

hep = help

den = done

den = again (yeah, confusing)

This one is hard to describe, but he loves imitating the sound of a squirting bottle while holding a spray bottle or one of his sister's perfume bottles.  He is often discovered smelling of perfume too ;)

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