One bit of excitement- we've started getting tomatoes on our plants!! So far, only our mini, yellow, pear-tomatoes have ripened, and I haven't yet had a big enough harvest to populate an entire salad, but they're yummy enough to pop in plain. Even though I didn't spend one cent on plants for our garden, between gifts from my mother and a neighbor, we somehow ended up with 12 tomato plants of various species- all planted within two 3x4 foot boxes.
Here's a glimpse of the massiveness of our tomato tangle- I hope I'll be able to reach them all! Needless to say, I've already started researching tomato recipes... if you have any great ones, I'm alllll ears.

Everything else seems to be going just great! Jay has started having "official business" to attend to, and I've been lucky enough be be invited to a couple of faculty breakfasts the past couple of days. It's funny to all of a sudden be on the other end of the spectrum in academia. I'm not old enough to be married to a professor.
We had another uneventful baby check-up on Monday, and I've so far gained 19 pounds during this pregnancy, which means I'm allowed 6 more pounds in the next 3.5 weeks. Wahoo! Bring on the ice cream :) I must admit, for as comfortable as I've been the last 8 months, I really can't complain about anything. However, in the past couple of days, I've noticed that it takes a great amount of effort to get out of my chair, so I have to be sure I don't need to get up for awhile, every time I sit somewhere comfy. (Which is usually to read yet another birthing/nursing/baby book.) I have three more preggy-books to finish and 2 more to peruse before I'm willing to lose the belly, and then I can get back to reading "normal" things... I have a real hankering to read a really great novel. Any recommendations?
all that about your belly and no updated pic?!! Come on...
settle down, you'll see me on saturday :)
I had a crush on a professor in college. It totally freaked me out.
But what about your other readers who don't get to see you on Saturday?
Well you may be tired of pregnancy books, but I just had to mention my favorite pregnancy book EVER - the Girlfriends Guide to Pregnancy (or Everything Your Doctor Won't Tell You). If you haven't read that one I would definitely recommend it - it is the funniest book ever, and completely honest. It made my husband and I laugh so hard that we cried, on multiple occasions. As for a good novel, I just read Wallace Stegner's "Crossing to Safety" and I really loved it. Have a great day!
yes yes. actually, I read that one before I even got pregnant (shhhh). It was funny. I've also read The Girlfriends' Guide to Surviving the First Year. :)
Thanks for the novel advice. I'm soooo gonna start making a list for those long days of nursing.
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