I, myself, was born and raised in a toaster family- four slots, extra wide (plenty of room for a bagel)... However, right before coming to Stanford, my grandma gave me her old toaster oven to suffice all my toasting needs.
I quickly became accustomed to the beloved "toasted cheese bread" with my soups and found great pleasure from the delightful "ding" on completion. After the sad passing of the oven, (thankfully on the last day of school last year) I was confronted with an important decision: do I now buy a toaster or a toaster oven?
I purposely avoided the question all summer while living with my parents, but post-wedding, I found myself back at school without the convenience of quick toast. I had to make a decision... I promptly headed off to Target (with gift cards a-plenty), still completely undecided... toast? toaster oven? toast?! toaster oven?!! Beads of sweat formed on my brow as I walked down the appliance aisle. And then I saw it:
The Toastation!
It was just what I had been looking for! A toaster and toaster oven in one! Genius! My decision was made, and I've never looked back since...
Probably the most exciting perk is being able to see your toast as it's toasting, through the glass door.
Thanks Toastation!