Monday, November 24, 2008


I'm amazed by my frequency of posts as of late, but I can't help it... I keep getting cute pics I want to share.

The Frog's latest developments:

reading Pooh

spit bubbles

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Newborn No More

Our little Frog is getting bigger! I still remember gazing longingly at the 3 month old clothing, hanging in his closet, and now I find myself lamenting at the loss of his new born clothes. Our little two month old has finally moved on to bigger onesies and I'm starting to feel like it's happened too fast. Here are two outfits I will dearly miss:

The fuzzy, green, giraffe PJ's were my first love. I would often put him in them long before bedtime and delay dressing him in "real" clothes as long as possible, just so I could adore the Frog in fuzzy form.

This cute little number was a recent shower gift from Rem. I love the asymmetric snaps and cute wintery pattern. Sadly, the Frog never wore it for a full day, for it seems it had some kind of intestinal effect on him and he would poop on it soon after being dressed in its cuteness. Luckily, it remains unstained and will be used on future Frog-like presences.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Even More Awkward than "Awkward"

Isn't the word "awkward" so aptly spelled? I can't think of a more awkward looking word. (I'm willing to be proved wrong) The only thing more awkward than "awkward" was last Sunday.

Jay and I teach Sunday school to the 11/12/13 year olds, which means that ever since The Frog arrived, Jay teaches and I just try to encourage participation. This past Sunday, the lesson was on "Moral Cleanliness"- i.e. sexual purity. If that's not awkward enough, after being in class about 5 minutes, Jay turns to me (I wasn't paying attention because The Frog was being fussy) and says, "Libby, can you take over for me for a minute?" And starts leaving the room. (Turns out the Thai food we had on Saturday night might have caused him some gastrointestinal troubles.)

So there I was. In a room with four 11/12/13-year old boys, and one fussy baby, and no preparation, and expected to talk about sexual purity.


Luckily Jay had already opened his scriptures to the story where Joseph runs away from Potiphar's wife (Genesis) who tries to seduce him- which means I basically made them read the whole chapter. And then I also made one of the boys read the entire section in the "For the Strength of Youth" pamphlet. And then I started getting really desperate and I'm not even sure what I was talking about (hopefully they weren't listening) when Jay came back and saved me.

Don't worry, the Frog was crying the whole time.

Did I mention I had to tell these kids to not have sex before marriage?

Did I mention that all of them seemed like they never even thought about touching girls?

Did I mention that it was really awkward?

And just so as not to disappoint, here's the Frog :)

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Sleeping Record!

The Frog slept for 6 HOURS STRAIGHT last night. SIX!!! And it was all while I was asleep: 10-4.

This is cause for celebration

and a cute picture of him sleeping :)

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

The Blue Mallow

I've finally decided I need to do something a bit physical, just because I love it so much and I need to get out of the house more, so I've decided to start walking. It's been really fun to walk around my neighborhood and finally start recognizing where I am, or discovering two streets that connect. My Peg Perego Pliko P3 Classico Stroller is awesome too. (Thanks Nanny!)

But, I think my favorite part is how cute The Frog looks all bundled up.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Chocolate Success

You long-time readers (do I have any?) may remember this post about the delicious chocolate cake I had. Well, I FINALLY got around to making it. (8 months... not so bad) A girl/woman/lady (I don't know why, but I feel weird calling people who I consider to be my friends a woman. I still feel like a girl. Girls need a "guy" equivalent that is not "gal". I dislike gal. Not sure why.) in my ward had a baby shower and I was asked to bring a dessert. YAY! A great excuse! I used my silicone bundt pan- SO AWESOME.

It tasted as good as it looks :)

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Nursery Additions

The Frog's Nanny bought him a cute little froggy mobile, but we couldn't attach it to our crib, (too complicated to explain why) so I've been on the lookout for a different one. My oldest bro and sister-in-law suggested the Infant Stim-Mobile and so I bought it on amazon (Thanks Laura for the gift card!) and it came on Tuesday.

The Frog LOVES it! More than once I've put him under it while fussy and he'll immediately stop fussing and just stare at it, mesmerized. He even smiles! (notice the pic) It keeps him entertained for his whole awake time, and it doesn't even move or have music! My favorite part about it is that it comes with many pictures, so you can switch it up and give him something else to look at. I also like that you can change its height, so that new babies are able to focus on it really close to their face, and when they get old enough to reach for it, you can raise it up higher. So smart!

While I'm discussing nursery additions, I've been meaning to find some kind of wall hanging that would be good for a nursery, but also functional and bright- something interesting for him to look at as well. I found the PERFECT thing at TJMaxx Home Goods for a very reasonable price.

What can I say, I'm a sucker for numbers :)

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

My Boys

Aren't they the cutest?