We decided to spread out the birthday gifts for Jay all day, this year, since he was staying home from work (sick! boo) and I had made him a new pair of summer pajamas, so he got those first so he could wear them all day.

I bought the T-shirt from Down East, but the "shpants" are my design. Jay's always rolling up his pants to be capri-length, so I just though I'd save him the trouble.

I love seer-sucker in the summer.
He, of course, got special food all day long- french toast and smoothie for breakfast, In-N-Out for lunch, and ribs and potatoes for dinner. I even bought Goodwood's Sweet and Sassy BBQ sauce- it's our favorite so far.

Here's my boys with the cake and all 25 candles. I can't believe how young he still is- I always forget.

Happy Birthday hun! It's hip to be square :)
Looks like Jay had a fun birthday. Too bad he was sick, though. By the way, I love the pajamas you made him. You have gotten so good at sewing and making things!
I have the best wife evar!
those candles are sort of really tall you know.
Yes Jay you do have the best wife ever! :) I love the candles on the cake and the pants are so awesome Lib, way to go. i need to send you some famous cowtown bbq sauce from KC, its the best i've ever had.
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