I threw a baby shower on Saturday for my neighbor. How convenient that we live so close and are having girls so close together! I had a lot of fun planning it and preparing, but that will probably be the last shower I throw by myself, with so many people invited. I got the invites on clearance for a steal and then printed on them at home. I think they turned out so cute!

I probably spent the most time on making the food. My mini tartlets made a

I got the recipe for
raspberry lemonade punch from
Martha and I think I had more comments about how good this was than anything else. I used pink lemonade powder, instead of regular, and I think it was a good move. Also, notice my paper circle garland, draped all over the table. A simple but cute touch- which is why I copied it from some other blog...

I decided to turn my
triple-layer coconut cake with lemon curd and cream cheese frosting into mini-cupcakes, and I think the result was well received.

My neighbor last minute offered to make some pull-apart cheese bread, for which I am extremely grateful. I had planned to make
these before I talked to her, but I'm not sure when I would have had time to do it and have them still taste fresh. I'd still like to try them sometime. They look so cute! I also served strawberries, fresh pineapple, watermelon and cantaloupe balls, brownie bites and cream puffs (both from Costco) and lemon-lime water.

Here's Maren with some of the goods :) It was so fun to see all the cute baby girl things, for me especially because I haven't bought anything yet. It will be really hard to restrain myself, I think.

There was another little boy, about The Frog's same age, who came (same name as The Frog!) and when The Frog saw him, his first impulse was to give him a hug. This picture was captured just after the hug and just before the huggee broke down into tears.

Here we are, preggo together, bellies touching :)
Special thanks to Kira who took all the pictures for me! I knew she liked doing it and that she'd do a great job!
It was so fun to plan a cute party, but I'm glad it's over. I feel like I'm going to have a lot of free time this week, and that's just fine with me.
Well done! It looks like you did a lot of hard work, but I'm sure it paid off. It looked amazing (and tasty)!!
Everything looks so cute and tasty!
so cute. how funny- we used the same punch recipe, i used mine at my shower last night- except mine exploded when i poured the powder on the ginger-ale, it went all over my kitchen!
Thank you Libby! The food was delicious, the invitations were adorable, and the company was fantastic. And yes...little girl stuff is so much fun (and gosh I look big :)).
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